How to Adjust to China Manufacturing Holidays

Chinese holidays have a huge impact on American business. Therefore, companies that use China manufacturing services should be especially aware of these holidays and the circumstances surrounding them.  During Chinese holidays, factories suspend operations, and workers travel across China to visit relatives. Likewise, China ports close, and even FedEx will suspend deliveries.

Know the China Manufacturing Schedule During Holidays

US companies must allow for Chinese Holidays and learn to negotiate and adjust production and shipping needs far in advance of each Holiday.  Seeking the assistance of professional China manufacturing services is one way of avoiding late shipments and disappointed customers.

Below is a list of annual Chinese holidays that every US company should know.  Just as important as the dates, are the unofficial shutdown dates surrounding the holidays that usually don’t make the list. We’re talking about the shutdown days before and after the official dates.  These unlisted dates are what allow factory workers to travel across China to visit relatives they may not have seen since the previous year’s holiday.

Most Popular Holidays in China

The two holidays that have the most off days are the Chinese New Year (CNY), and National Day. China officially celebrates both these Holidays for a full week.  Also, the China manufacturing companies that produce high-tech items like, smartphones, computers, and electronics, are off. This is especially the case when factory locations are in metropolitan areas. Factories in large cities tend to follow these official dates more closely as family and relatives are close by.  However, many more factories close a week or two prior to the beginning of the holiday. They also may not open, or work with a skeleton crew, for up to two weeks after the end of the holiday.


To put this even more into perspective, many non-high-tech factories will close for a full month during the Chinese New Year. Every year there are US companies that fail to remember the China holidays, and how much of an impact China manufacturing services have on delivery dates.  If a factory closes two weeks before CNY, and workers don’t fully return until two weeks after, that factory will not only have no production during that time, but it will also take a few days after the employees return to get things back up to speed.  That factory’s material suppliers will also be in a similar situation, which can further delay post-holiday production.

Add to that, the trucking companies will close, as well as the ports.  Moreover, there’s a huge number of containers that don’t make it onto the ships. Instead, they are sitting at the port waiting for operators to load them when the port reopens.  Ultimately, each entity must have time to get back up to speed.

Seek the China Manufacturing Service Experts

How can a US-based company know what to expect during these Chinese holidays?  What can they do to minimize the impact of multiple week factory closings?  Get help with planning ahead!

The answer may be in placing an additional order for a product that can be shipped prior to CNY.  Be fully aware of China’s holidays and when specifically the factory manufacturing your product will be closed.  Know the status of the materials needed to produce your product.  Will they be in-factory, so that when the factory workers return they can begin production immediately?  Or will those materials be ordered after the workers return because the supplier has already closed for the holiday?  If so, this means materials won’t be delivered for 2-3 weeks after the factory workers have returned.

Has the container and ship already been booked?  Will the goods be ready in time to make the deadline?  There is always a huge rush to book shipping space and deliver the containers to the port in the days just prior to a major holiday.  This in and of itself causes lengthy delays and, in some cases, containers fail to make it onto the ship.  Last-minute arrangements translate into shipping after the holiday.

Connect with ITI

Respectfully, ITI Manufacturing has been helping US-based companies navigate the details and pitfalls of Asian manufacturing since 1974.  Dealing with the complexities of Chinese holidays is just one of the hundreds of issues that can potentially present themselves.  If you’re struggling to keep up with the relentless complexities of doing China manufacturing services alone, call us and let us smooth the path for you.

Chinese Holiday Calendar

Perhaps the best way for US companies to learn about Chinese holidays and how they can affect manufacturing processes is to keep a calendar nearby. Here at ITI Manufacturing, we enjoy keeping our clients informed about their unique product manufacturing process. We also help by providing consistent up-to-date Chinese Holiday calendars for each year, and how the dates fall on any given year.

Please click here to view the latest Chinese Holiday Calendar.

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